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once in a while 偶爾

one and for all 斷然;僅此一次

one foot in the grave 離死不遠了

one way or the other 總要有一個辦法

open an account 開銀行戶頭

out in the cold 受冷落

out of line 錯誤得越出常規

out of my line 外行

out of one's mind, be 發瘋

out of order 壞了

out of question 無疑的

out of season 不合時宜的

out of sight, out of mind 看不見了,也漸漸忘了

out of sth, be 脫銷

out of the question 不可能

out of the way 偏僻的;罕見的

out of the world 只應天上有

out of this world 只應天上有

own boss 不再受僱於人了

P.A. (paper ass) 沒頭腦的人

packed like sardines 擁擠得像沙丁魚罐頭一樣

packed snow 路上被踩過的雪

paddle one's own canoe 獨自闖出自己的前途

pain in the neck 極討厭的人或物

paint the town red 瘋狂地慶祝

particular about food 對食物很講究

pass away 過世

pass out 昏倒;分發

pass over 忽略

past master 技藝精湛的人

pay down (分期付款)付頭款

pay one's own way 各自付費

pay the price 付出代價;得到報應

Penny for your thoughts. 告訴我你想什麼

perhaps some other day 改天吧.

Perish the thought! 打消這念頭!

person after my own heart 他人的作為符合我的心意

pick holes 挑毛病

pick sb out 看中某人

pick up 一點點學習

pick-me-up 喝酒、湯等刺激一下神經

pipe course 容易的課程或工作

pipe down 安靜些

plain home cooking 家常便飯

plain sailing 一帆風順;輕而易舉之事

play ball with 與...合作

play it straight 誠實

play truant 逃學

plenty of fish in the sea 比喻多得很

plug along 為生活而拚命工作

poorly off 窮困潦倒

pot calling the kettle black 五十步笑百步

pour oil on troubled waters 平息事態

prices are soaring 物價飛漲

pull a long face 拉長臉不悅

pull a long oar 獨自去作

pull no punches 不客氣,動真格的

pull off 成功;完成

pull one's leg 開某人的玩笑

pull oneself together 恢復鎮定

pull through 克服困難;恢復健康

push one's luck 在已有利情況下做多餘冒險

put an end to 結束

put aside 儲蓄

put heads together 一起商討問題

put heat on 對某人要求嚴厲

put it on the cuff 賒帳

put it this way 這樣說;這樣做

put off 延期

put on a show 假裝給人家看

put on weight 胖了

put one out of the way 殺某人

put one's foot down 堅決反對

put one's foot in it 說錯話

put one's foot in one's mouth 說錯話

put one's heart and soul in sth 全心全意做某事

put sb in charge of 讓某人負責某事

put sb in the ring 和某人賽一場

put that in one's pipe and smoke it 威脅別人好好想清楚

put through 接通電話;做妥一件工作

put up 舉起;住宿

put up a good show 好好表現自己

put up with 忍受

put your best foot forward 儘量使你的儀容整潔

quality work 細活兒

queer(strange) fish 怪人

quit smocking 戒菸

quite all right 沒關係

rain or shine 不論晴雨

rainy day 貧苦困難的日子

raise hell 破口大駡

raise the roof 變得異常憤怒

really something 了不起

red tape 官樣文章

red tape 繁文縟節

reflect on 回憶

regular guy 好人,靠得住的人

released from, be 被釋放;解脫

remember sb to another 代某人問候別人

right down one's alley 正好是某人所精通的

right or wrong 無論如何

right-hand man 得力的助手

ring a bell with sb 使某人回憶起某事

road hog 駕車亂搶路的人

rock the boat 破壞別人的計劃;使遇到危險

roll out the red carpet 鋪上紅色地毯

rotten to the core 腐爛透頂

rough hours 讀書時的艱苦生活

rough sb up 對某人粗鹵

round-about way 採用間接的方法

row in one boat 從事相同事業;相同命運

royal road 容易取得成功的捷徑

rubber check 空頭支票

rubber stamp 人云亦云的人

run across 偶然碰見

run down 撞倒;詆毀;破舊的

run into 突然碰到某人

run of the town 轟動一時的人

run out of sth 用完

run sb out of the town 把某人逐出市外

run up against 遇到

run wild 到處跑

sad dog 放蕩的人;易闖禍的人

sad news 餐廳的帳單

sail under false colors 掛羊頭賣狗肉;冒充

salt of the earth(world) 社會中堅

same old stuff 陳舊貨色

save lots of grief 省掉許多麻煩

save one's breath 節省口舌

save the day 反敗為勝;挽救了大局

save up 儲蓄

say it with flowers 笑容可掬,細生細氣

Say no more. 別再說了.

Says you! 你是胡扯!

scare the devil out of sb 嚇得魂不附體

scratch sb a note 寫封信給某人

screw-ball 有怪僻的人

Search me. 我不知道.

second sight 超人的預見力

secret sorrow 難言之隱

see after 照顧

see eye to eye 我們意見相同.

see it through 使某事順利通過

see my point 瞭解;明白

see off 送行

see to it 留心、細緻地辦好某事

See you around. 再見.

sell like hot cakes 銷售得很快

sell sb down the river 出賣某人

send in 提出;交出

serve sb right 活該

service station 加油站

set about 考慮;留意

set back 拖延

set forth 說明

set my heart on 對...傾心

set the world on fire 震驚天下

settle down 安定

seventh heaven 極樂世界

shake a leg 跳舞;趕快

shake and make up 言歸於好

Shame on you! 你真丟臉!

She's a smart dresser. 她是一個注重服飾的人.

She's been two-timing me. 她背著我和其他男人約會.

She's got it! 她迷倒了許多人.

She's not the only fish in the sea. 她並不是世界上唯一的女人.

shed of 領先

shedding crocodile tears 貓哭老鼠

shit of luck 倒楣

shoe is on the other foot 今日不同往昔

show off 炫耀

show sb the ropes 傳授秘訣

show sb the(back) door 下逐客令

show up 露面;出現;突出

sick of, be 討厭

side money 外快

side-kick 莫逆之交

sign up for 報名參加

sink in the scale 降低

sitting pretty 過著舒服的生活

sixes and sevens 亂七八糟

sixth sense 第六感

size up 打量

sleep in this morning 睡個懶覺

slip one's memory 一時忘記

slow-poke 行動遲緩的人

slowly but surely 穩紮穩打

small potato 小人物

smoke like a chimney 菸鬼

smoke O.P.B 吸別人的煙

snake in the grass 隱藏的危險

snap out of it 突然改變情緒;振作起來

Snowed. (學生)被一個問題弄糊塗.

so that's it 原來如此

So what? 那又怎麼樣?

soft-soap 諂媚

somehow or other 莫名其妙地

sore spot 傷心事,舊瘡疤

Sorry to have kept you waiting. 抱歉,讓您久等了.

sounds just like 看樣子就像

speak of the devil 說曹操曹操到

speak the same language 志同道合

spell out sth 講清楚

spill the beans 露馬腳

spoil the show 演雜了

sports bums 吃閒飯的球員

square deal 公平交易

stab-in-the-back business 暗箭傷人

stand a change 有機會嬴

stand on one's own feet 獨立自主

stand one up 失約而使人白等

stand one's ground 一步也不退讓

stand sb up 讓某人空等一場

stand up for sth 支援;擁護

standing ovation 站起來熱烈鼓掌

stay away from 滾開

stay out O.P.B (other people's business) 不要管別人的閒事

stay up late 熬夜

steamed up 怒火中燒

step on one's toes 觸怒某人

step out 出外約會;暫時離開工作

sth must be done 非馬上採取點行動

sth tells me 我好像感覺

stick around 在附近等著

stick your nose into 讓你忙著

stick-up 搶劫

stomach's growling 肚子咕嚕咕嚕地響

stop by 過來一會

stop pulling my leg 不要開玩笑了

storm in a teacup 大驚小怪

straight from the horse's mouth 據可靠消息

strike out 刪去;想出

string sb along 常常戲弄某人

stuffed shirt 自命不凡的討厭鬼

sugar daddy 老色狼

sugar report 情書

suit one's taste 合某人的胃口

Sunday dress 最好的衣服

swelled head 驕傲自大

switch off 關掉

swith majors 轉系

take a back seat 處於默默無聞的地位

take a break 休息一下

take a good look at 仔細看

take a hand in 插手某事

take a look 瞧一瞧

take a rain check 改天吧.

take advantage of 欺負;佔便宜

take care of sb later 遲些對付你

take down 記下

take for 誤認為

take for granted 想當然

take French leave 不辭而別

take in a movie 看一場電影

take it easy 放鬆;別緊張

Take it easy. 不要緊張

Take it or leave it. 別討價還價

take it out to sb 拿別人出氣

take no for an answer 不許回答「不」字

take notes in outline form 記大綱式的筆記

take offense 生氣

take one's hat off to 表示尊敬佩服

take one's time doing sth 從容不迫;不慌不忙做某事

take orders from 聽命於

take sb for a ride 綁架某人

take sth for granted 視為當然

take sth up 重提某事

take sth upon oneself 承擔一切責任

take the lead in sth 在某方面領先

take the load off one's feet 坐下休息

take the words out of one's mouth 說出心裡話

take things as they come 既來之則安之

take to 養成喜好;專心於

take to one's heels 溜之大吉

take up 開始;繼續;吸收

Take your time. 慢慢來.

take your word for it 相信你的話

talk big 講大話

talk of the town 非常流行的東西

talk one into 說服

talk one's head off 說得天花亂墜

talk sb into sth 說服某人做某事

talk sb out of sth 說服某人不要做某事

talk sense 講得合情合理

talk through one's hat 說話瞎扯不負責任

talk through one's neck 說話瞎扯不負責任

talk through one's nose 驕傲自大

tall story 難以置信的故事

teach sb a lesson 教訓某人

team up with sb 和某人分為一組

tear down 拆毀

ten bucks 十美元

That dame! 那個女人!

That depends. 那要看情況.

That has a familiar ring. 那話聽起來很熟悉.

that I can't say 這個我不敢肯定

That is so! 是這樣嗎?

That makes two of us. 英雄所見略同

that settles that 已經安排了,那就算了

That should be fun. 那一定會好玩.

That sounds better. 這樣說才是.

That what you say. 這是你說的.(表懷疑)

That won't answer. 這解決不了問題

That's a good one. 無稽之談

That's a promise I'll hold you to. 是你許下的諾言,我會叫你兌現

That's a trade secret. 這是生意人的秘密.

That's great. 好極了

That's it. 就這樣

That's more like it. 這才像話.

That's more than I can say. 一言難盡

That's my... you're making cracks about. 那是我...,請別拿他開玩笑.

That's nothing. 不要緊;小意思

That's right down my alley. 那是我最拿手的.

That's runs my electric bill up. 使電費增加.

That's something. 真是了不起.

That's the boy. 好小子(讚美).

That's the spirit. 真有道理.

That's the way it is. 事情就是這樣的.

That's the way it with us. 我們就是這樣.

That's the whole damned trouble. 這就是所有的麻煩.

That's what I came for. 我就是為這個來的.

That's what I'm here for. 這是我應該做的.

That's what you think. 只有你自己這麼想吧.

That's your funeral. 此乃閣下之事.

thaw out 融化

the big time 了不起的事;夢想

the crack of down 破曉

the dead of winter 嚴冬

the devil in her eye 她眼神具有魅力

The die is cast. 一切已成定局.

the God's truth 說真的

the hustle and bustle 喧囂氣氛

the line is busy 通話中;佔線

The price isn't bad. 不貴.

The whole world knows it. 全世界都知道.

There goes your phone. 你有電話.

There is nothing to it. 太容易了

There you are. 這是你要的.

There you go again. 你又來這一套了.

There's nothing I can do. 愛莫能助

There's nothing wrong with me. 我精神很好.

They will be very put out. 他們會很生氣.

They're a drag. 那多討厭,煩死了.

Think nothing of it. 不要放在心上.

This is a small something for you. 小小禮物,不成敬意

This is serious. 我是當真的.

This will be my treat. 這頓飯我請客.

thorn in one's side. 眼中釘肉中刺

thousand and one way 許多辦法

three sheets in the wind 酒醉

threw a party 舉行一個宴會

thrilled with, be 深受感動;非常高興

throw cold water on 潑冷水

throw the bull 胡言亂語

  • 本文為轉載文章
  • 關鍵字 : through, stand, right, There, world, other, nothing, about, 不起, stick, something, smoke, mouth, heart, devil, 驕傲自大, 開玩笑, 錯話, 生氣, 女人
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