中文 | 英文可以這麼說 |
你的脾氣好不好? | How's your temper?...
我趕上了最後一班車 | I caught the last bus....
他是個小機靈鬼 | He is a smart boy....
我真的覺得做點運動對你有好處 | I really think a little exercise would do you good....
我除了說“對不起”外,什麼也說不出來 | I could say nothing but that I was sorry....
這是違法的 | It's against the law....
儘管下著大雨,她還是去了商店 | In spite of the heavy rain, she went to the shop....
他打了那個攻擊者一耳光 | He struck his attacker on the ear....
女孩做一條裙子要用多少布? | How much cloth does it take to make a skirt for the girl?...
幫我 | Give me a hand.... Do me a favor!...
他們把它錯放到另一個類別去了 | They misplaced this book under other categories....
當我還是個小女孩的時候,我常聽著收音機,等待我最喜歡的歌 | When I was young, I'd listen to the radio, waiting for my favorite songs....
我必須開始做健身運動了 | I've got to start working out....
她害怕一個人留在農舍裏 | She feared staying alone in the farmhouse....
我通常只是用搜索引擎找一些資料 | I'm usually just using the search engines to look up information....
他們今年的運氣還不錯 | They don't often have a bad day this year....
如果我是你,就不會為英語煩惱了 | If I were you,I would not be bothered by English....
太好了! | That's great!...
不要讓機會從我們身邊溜走 | Don't let chances pass by....
即使她不愛我,我還仍然愛她 | I'll still love her even if she doesn't love me....
我就是離不開她! | I guess I just can't get enough of her!...
我想有一份兼職工作 | I want to have a part-time job....
這鬼天氣! | What horrible weather!...
我有一個好主意 | I have a good idea!...
你敢! | How dare you!...
日本在中國的東部 | Japan is to the east of China....
當老闆進來的時候;他們停止了交談 | They stopped talking when their boss came in....
今天天氣真好! | What a nice day it is!...
他比我懂英語 | He knows English better than I....
這樣太耽誤時間了 | It really takes time....