中文句子 |
英文例句 |
中文 | 英文可以這麼說 |
幫我 | Give me a hand.... Do me a favor!... |
我厭倦了 | I'm fed up.... I'm tired.... |
我們應該充分利用我們的時間 | We should make good use of our time.... |
感謝你的參與 | Thanks for your participation.... Thank you for your participation.... |
有什麼新鮮事嗎? | What's new?... |
他正扮演一個老人 | He is acting an old man.... |
我期待著你下周來訪 | I am looking forward to your visit next week.... |
我在節食 | I'm on a diet.... |
這世界還真小 | Small world.... |
今天,在公共場所看到婦女和姑娘化粧是很普遍的事 | Today it is common that women and girls make up in public.... |
你太過分了! | You're away too far.... |
我和我姐姐有很多相同之處 | I have a lot in common with my sister.... |
真可惜。 | That's too bad.... |
請出示你的票 | Show your tickets, please.... |
書中所有的人物都是虛構的 | All characters in the book are imaginary.... |
今日事今日畢 | Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.... |
請坐 | Have a seat.... |
你需要去運動鍛鍊一下 | You need to workout.... |
別發牢騷! | Stop complaining!... |
日本在中國的東部 | Japan is to the east of China.... |
他以前的嘗試沒有成功 | His previous attempts had been unsuccessful.... |
哦,到了M排,l號和3號 | Here we are. Row M, seats l and 3.... |
我也這麼想 | I think so.... |
別謙虛了 | Don't be so modest.... |
你要留話嗎? | Would you like to leave a message?... |
我六點鐘出門,以便趕上火車 | I left at 6:00 so that I could catch the train.... |
太不公平了! | It's unfair!... |
真有你的! | You are so awesome!... Good job!... Great job!... Good for you.... You're the man!... |
除星期天外,他每天去上班 | She goes to work every day except Sunday.... |
是的,我也這麼認為 | Yes, I suppose So.... |