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Before you could say Jack Robinson 很快

before you know it 很快

behave yourself 請檢點一點

behind bars 坐牢

behind one's back 背後

behind the scenes(curtain) 在幕後

behind the times 不合時宜

behind time 誤期

believe it or not 信不信由你

benefit from 從中得到

best-seller 暢銷書、唱片等

bet it is 當然是

better half 老婆

better luck next time 下次好運些吧

better than, be 比...多;多於

between my ribs and my back bone 肚子

beyond one's reach of 超出支付能力

beyond sb, be 使某人無法理解

big bluffer 吹牛者

bite one's head off 大發脾氣

black and blue 遍體鱗傷

black sheep 不肖子女

blame sb for sth 為某事責備某人

bleed white 花光血汗錢

blind alley 死胡同;失敗之路

blood in one's eye 極度憤怒

bloody fool (B.F.) 蠢材

blow hot and cold 喜怒無常

Blow it! 他媽的!

blow off steam 發脾氣

blow one's own horn 自吹自擂

blow one's top 怒髮衝冠

blow up 表現失常;吹風

body and breeches 完全

boil down to 歸結起來是;其結果是

boiling point 愛情的沸點

bolt from the blue 晴天霹靂

bone up on 努力研讀

born with a silver spoon in one's mouth 出生富貴

born yesterday 乳臭未乾

bottoms up 乾杯

Bottoms up! 乾杯!

brain storm 心血來潮

brand new 嶄新的

break down 故障;毀壞

break in 適合

break it off 吹了

break one's heart 使某人心碎

break one's neck 痛打一頓;拚命做某事

break the ice 打破僵局;打破沈默

break the routine 調劑一下

bred in the bone 天生的;個性的

bring back the good old days 回憶昔日好時光

bring down the house 掌聲雷動

bring me up-to-date 告訴我最新消息

bring sb to date 使某人掌握最先進東西

brotherly impulse 激動手足的情分

brush off (男女之間)甩;撇開

brush up on sth 複習,重新學習

buck up 振作起來

bull dog 難以相處的人

burn a hole in one's pocket 花錢如流水

burn one's bridges behind one 不留後路

burn one's fingers 碰釘子

burn the midnight oil 熬夜讀書

bury one's head in the sand 不敢面對現實

bury the hatchet 捐棄前嫌

Business is business. 公事公辦

busy-body 好管閒事和多嘴的人

buy things on time 分期付款買東西

buy your story 相信你的話

buying bargains 買廉價貨

by all means 務必

by and by 逐漸;慢慢地

by fair means or foul 不擇手段

By golly! (By Gum!) 天呀!

by hook or by crook 不擇手段

by the look of you 從你的樣子看來

call back 再打電話

call it a day 今天到此為止

call it off 取消

call off 取消

call one names 用污穢語言罵人

call the shots 發號施令;管事

call up 打電話

calling at this early hour 一大早就打電話

Can you stop by? 你能來嗎?

can't afford to have 買不起

can't be helped 避免不了

can't be wrong 錯不了

can't get away with it 逃不掉

can't help it 愛莫能助

can't stand it any longer 再也無法忍受

Capital idea! 好主意!

carry coals to Newcastle 多此一舉;徒勞無功

carry sth too far 做事超出限度

carry the torch 單相思

cast away 扔掉

cast down 沮喪

caste eyes at 注視;打主意

castle in the air 空中樓閣

catch on to 理解

catch one's breath 喘口氣

catch up on sth 補上某事

catch up with 迎頭趕上

caught red-handed, be 犯罪活動的當場被抓住

chain smoker 菸癮大的人

change hands 轉手

change my opinion of you 我對你的看法改變一下

cheap joints 下流地方

check out 辦清離開手續;借書;調查

check up on 校對

cheer up 振作;鼓勵

chew the rag 嘮叨不斷

chip in 集資;捐款

clean sweep 全勝

clean the house for sb 和某人算帳

clock watcher 盼望下班的人

close shave (close call) 千鈞一髮

coast is clear 沒有危險了

coin a neat phrase 話說得很恰當

cold fish 冷酷無情的人

Columbus discovered America 陳年舊事

come about 發生

come across 偶然遇見

come along with 隨同

come and get it 試試拿走它吧

come down with 病倒

come in 起作用;有份

come in handy 遲早有用

come into the world 出世

come off it 吹牛皮

come on 別這樣

come on 來吧!(提醒、催促)

come on strong 非常積極的給人以好印象

come out right 事情進展順利

come out with 說出

come right over 這就來了

come through 交出;成功

come to naught 成為泡影

come to terms 達成協定

come to the point 說話切題

come up with sth 想出某事

come what may 無論發生什麼事

contribute to sth 有助於

cook up a story 編出慌話騙人

cool off 冷卻下來

cooling my heels waiting for her 翹首以待

crash the gate 不請自來的客人

crazy like a fox 裝瘋;裝模作樣

cross my heart 感發誓;不騙人

cross the bridge when one comes to it 既來之則安之

cross with, be 不高興

cry quits 放棄;承認失敗

cry wolf 狼來了;發出假警報

cup of tea 喜歡而又會做之事

cut corners 超近路;以簡捷方式做事

cut down on 削減

cut it out 夠了!算了

cut of the woods 脫離危險期

  • 本文為轉載文章
  • 關鍵字 : break, behind, catch, bring, cross, carry, better, 取消, 乾杯, 不擇手段, story, right, point, means, house, heart, close, clean, check, change
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