中文 | 英文可以这麽说 |
老調最甜美,老友最可靠 | Old tunes are sweetest and old friends are surest....
我不再喜歡你了! | I'm over you!...
我請客 | My treat....
那次考試給了他很大的壓力 | The examination put a lot of stress on him....
他幾乎說不出話來 | He cans hardly speak....
祝福你! | Bless you!...
晚餐六點鐘就好了 | Supper is ready at six....
他穿著平常的衣服 | He is in his everyday clothes....
請你原諒 | I beg your pardon....
我不喜歡你說的話 | I don't like what you are saying....
有人在按門鈴 | Someone is ringing the bell....
我聞到了燒菜做飯的味道 | I smelled a smell of cooking....
新品上市 | New on the market....
是哪一位? | Who's calling?...
我永遠都不會忘記和你一起度過的日子 | I will never forget the days that I spent with you....
你早就該睡覺了(It'stimeforbed | It's time you went to bed....
你在開玩笑吧! | Are you kidding?...
你以為你是誰? | Who do you think you are?...
我只是想告訴你們 | I just want to tell you all....
我在這附近掉了門鑰匙 | I lost the door key about here....
你怎麼可以這樣說? | How can you say that?...
大多數人吃飯寫字工作都用右手 | Most people eat, write, and work with their right hands....
那真是幫了我一個大忙 | That would be a big help....
很多人在秋天感冒 | Many people catch the flu in autumn....
謝謝你的建議 | Thank you for your advice....
下班後我們一起去看電影 | Let's go to the cinema together after work...
她迫不及待地接受了出國的機會 | She jumped at the chance to go abroad....
我獲悉我測驗及格了 | I learnt that I had passed the test....
這是最流行的款式 | That's the latest fashion....
哪一天都行 | Any day will do....