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這所房子是我自己的This house is my own....
它發行的當天我就買了I bought it the day it was released....
請不要拘禮Make yourself at home....
他已嘗遍了人生的甜酸苦辣He has tasted the sweets and bitters of life....
你要選哪個?Which would you prefer?...
看來這沒問題It seems all right....
還沒Not yet....
我們走在花園小徑上We walk on the garden path....
當心Watch out!...
他策馬跑上小山He ran his horse up the hill....
說來話長It's a long story....
我越努力,我的英語就會越好The harder I study, the better my English will be....
他比我高一頭He is taller than I by a head....
你自討苦吃!You asked for it!...
我們都忙於工作We are all busy with work....
聖誕節快到了Christmas will be here soon....
他看來很健康He looks very healthy....
實際上,他是在裝病As a matter of fact, he was pretending to be ill....
日本在中國的東部Japan is to the east of China....
我聽不見!I can't hear you!...
他是一個硬漢子,不過我要比他更硬He is tough, but I am even tougher....
女孩做一條裙子要用多少布?How much cloth does it take to make a skirt for the girl?...
為什麼呆在家裏?Why did you stay at home?...
我父母想讓我出國My parents want me to go abroad....
我會對所有我認為不對的事情直言不諱I will speak against anything I know to be wrong....
就這樣!That's all!...
當我還是個小女孩的時候,我常聽著收音機,等待我最喜歡的歌When I was young, I'd listen to the radio, waiting for my favorite songs....
你能告訴我長時間地過著快樂的生活的秘訣嗎?Could you tell me your secret for a long, happy life?...
請問洗手間怎麼走?Could you tell me where I can wash my hands?...
他每天很早就回家,免得老婆生氣He goes home early everyday for fear that his wife would be angry....

  • 英文单字怎麽说怎麽写,很容易,但组成句子却常常闹笑话,教课书里喜欢用的难字,跟实际用法有著不小的差异。『羊皮纸英文』提供大家一个英文例句的交流学习资料库,利用关键字找出相关的英文例句,帮助大家学习。
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