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分不清真實與幻想Blur the lines between the real and the imaginary....
你最喜歡跳什麼舞?What are your favorite steps?...
我不是在猜想,我真的知道I'm not guessing, I really know....
別謙虛了Don't be so modest....
紅領帶會配那件衣服A red tie will match that suit....
保持聯絡Keep in Touch....
1949年新中國成立New China was founded in l949....
一舉兩得You can kill two birds with one stone....
我不太喜歡交際應酬I don't like to socialize....
別這麼孩子氣Don't be so childish...
我打算把燈吊在天花板上I'm thinking of hanging the lamp from the ceiling....
她教外國學生漢語She teaches foreign students Chinese....
只要不是幹活,他幹什麼都行He will do anything but work....
他們擁立他為國王They crowned him king....
幹得不錯!你總是幹得很出色!Well done! You are always doing a good job!...
我們當中沒有一個人害怕困難None of us is afraid of difficulties....
游泳池裏擠滿了人There are a lot of people in the swimming pool....
我只是想告訴你們I just want to tell you all....
為什麼不讓我去接你呢?Why don't I pick you up at your house?...
我認為那電影不怎麼樣I don't think much of the movie....
他們拿到了加班費They were paid extra for overtime....
我只會做那件事I can do nothing but that....
你要舉行聚會嗎?Are you going to have a party?...
我有權知道I have the right to know....
我父母想讓我出國My parents want me to go abroad....
這是因為我們能感到疼痛This is because we feel pain....
在北京有許多高大的建築物There are lots of huge buildings in Beijing....
他為我們樹立了一個好榜樣He set up a fine example to all of us....
看看這爛攤子!Look at this mess!...
你看上去好像滿不在乎You look as if you didn't care....

  • 英文單字怎麼說怎麼寫,很容易,但組成句子卻常常鬧笑話,教課書裡喜歡用的難字,跟實際用法有著不小的差異。『羊皮紙英文』提供大家一個英文例句的交流學習資料庫,利用關鍵字找出相關的英文例句,幫助大家學習。
  • 知識是依靠著分享在傳播,魚戀一個人的力量是薄弱,如果朋友們大家一起,每個人只花一點點的時間分享,知識就能匯集、傳播下去,為我們的世界多一份文化,多一些色彩。
  • 我們希望查詢的例句都是正確的資訊,不被惡搞的,所以不開放匿名分享,就得麻煩申請成為羊皮紙會員才能分享唷!
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