中文 | 英文可以這麼說 |
是該告訴她真相的時候了 | It's time to tell her the truth....
我要走了 | I am afraid that l has to go....
百聞不如一見 | Seeing is believing....
我想各項都填對了 | I think I've filled in everything correctly....
我吃得如此之飽,我感覺我再吃一口肚子就要脹破了 | I am so full that I would burst with another bite....
你的英語正在漸漸提高 | Your English is improving little by little....
相對於我的身高來說,體重太重了! | The weight is too much for my height....
我很想休息! | I'd love to take a break!...
我們是今天下午到達倫敦的 | We arrived in London this afternoon....
這個城市的人口接近一百萬 | The population of the city is close to a million....
為什麼呆在家裏? | Why did you stay at home?...
我有一個重要的面試。 | I'm going to have an important interview....
他比我高一頭 | He is taller than I by a head....
你能到我的住處來接我嗎? | Will you pick me up at my place?...
設立展示攤位 | Setting up an exhibition booth....
我願意消除一下我們之間的分歧 | I'd like to repair our differences....
你早就該睡覺了(It'stimeforbed | It's time you went to bed....
他覺得我講課有趣 | He found my lecture interesting....
那些是西瓜 | Those are watermelons....
你根本一無用處! | You're completely useless!...
她是一個多麼可愛的小女孩耶! | What a lovely little girl she is!...
劇院的燈光滅了 | There go the house lights....
很明顯,是貓偷吃的! | It is clear that the cat has eaten it!...
大部分遊戲差不多都是這個價錢 | Most games cost about that much....
清晨的草地濕漉漉的 | The grass is moist early in the morning....
您有訂位嗎? | Do you have a reservation?...
瓶子裏還有糖嗎? | Is there any sugar in the bottle?...
我不想再見到你! | I don't want to see your face!...
我獲悉我測驗及格了 | I learnt that I had passed the test....
你需要新的觀點 | You need a new outlook....