中文 | 英文可以这麽说 |
我每個月都理髮 | I have my hair cut every month....
我從未看過那部電影 | I have never seen the movie....
我別無選擇 | I have no choice....
我沒有頭緒 | I have no idea....
我有事要告訴你 | I have something to tell you....
我有權知道 | I have the right to know....
你能快點嗎?我好久沒有她的消息了 | I have to catch a plane. Could you hurry?...
我需要換乘11路公共汽車,但是汽車站在哪兒? | I have to transfer to No. 11 bus, but where is the bus stop?...
我有兩隻貓,一隻是白貓,另一隻是黑貓 | I have two cats. One is white, the other is black....
我還沒有碰到你的牙齒呢 | I haven't even touched your tooth yet....
我好久沒有她的消息了 | I haven't heard from her for a long time....
我好久沒見到你了 | I haven't seen you for ages....
我聽見有人在笑 | I heard some one laughing....
希望還能有相見的機會 | I hope we can see each other again some time....
希望您在這兒過的愉快 | I hope you enjoy your stay with us....
我做到了! | I just made it!...
我知道有關它的一切 | I know all about it....
我獲悉我測驗及格了 | I learnt that I had passed the test....
我六點鐘出門,以便趕上火車 | I left at 6:00 so that I could catch the train....
我喜歡各種各樣的水果 | I like all kinds of fruit....
我喜歡吃冰淇淋 | I like ice-cream....
我在這附近掉了門鑰匙 | I lost the door key about here....
我鍾愛這項運動 | I love this game....
我愛你! | I love you!...
我見到了老闆本人 | I meet the boss himself....
我欠你晚餐的錢 | I owe you for my dinner....
我不幹了! | I quit!...
我玩得很開心 | I really enjoyed myself....
我真的需要減肥了 | I really need to lose some weight....
我真的覺得做點運動對你有好處 | I really think a little exercise would do you good....