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英文例句 (22)


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在足球中以手觸球就是犯規It's against the rules to handle the ball in soccer....
太離譜了It's going too far....
這是她的本行It's her field....
發牢騷沒什麼用It's no use complaining....
這不關你的事兒!It's none of your business!...
這事不值得大驚小怪It's nothing to be surprised about....
他們沒有給我們回信,這真奇怪It's odd that they didn't reply our letter....
這只是為了慶祝我的生日而舉行的晚會It's only a party in honor of my birthday....
它的起源至今仍是個謎Its origin is still a mystery now....
盯著別人看是不禮貌的It's rude to stare at other people....
今天是星期天It's Sunday today....
應該是六點半整的,但是我覺得夠嗆It's supposed to start at 6:30 sharp, but I doubt it will....
這是迄今為止我經歷的最熱的一天It's the hottest day I've had so far....
是該告訴她真相的時候了It's time to tell her the truth....
你早就該睡覺了(It'stimeforbedIt's time you went to bed....
好得難以置信It's too good to be true!...
你幫助我真是太好了It's very kind of you to help me....
你想得真週到It's very thoughtful of you....
我必須開始做健身運動了I've got to start working out....
我要做的工作太多了I've got too much work to do....
傑克是全班最強壯的男孩Jack is the strongest boy in the class....
詹露早忘掉他從自行車上摔下來這件事了Jalu has forgotten falling off his bicycle....
日本在中國的東部Japan is to the east of China....
珍是個藍眼睛的女孩Jean is a blue-eyed girl....
約翰向格雷斯求婚John asked Grace to marry him....
約翰很少與朋友聚在一起John seldom gets together with his friends....
就在附近Just around the comer....
只是為了消遣一下Just for entertainment....
就讀給我聽好了Just read it for me....
等著瞧!Just wait and see!...

  • 英文单字怎麽说怎麽写,很容易,但组成句子却常常闹笑话,教课书里喜欢用的难字,跟实际用法有著不小的差异。『羊皮纸英文』提供大家一个英文例句的交流学习资料库,利用关键字找出相关的英文例句,帮助大家学习。
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