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【知识大观园】Live With Pressure 与压力共存

【知识大观园】Live With Pressure 与压力共存

Live With Pressure

Kyral Hsiung

        Media reported string of employee suicide happened in Foxconn Shenzhen factory in bold headlines. Twelve falls in Foxconn this year banged shocks on the international society. Pressure management was back to every employer's priority list. As a student, pressure comes to us in nowhere as well. It is important that we know how to deal with this invisible predator, who consumes our delight, happiness and positive thoughts.

        First of all, we should bear in mind that it is impossible to destroy pressure but to live with it. However, if we found ourselves being pushed too hard by pressure,  here are several ways to release it. Above the list, keep healthy lifestyle. Good sleep and rest will send relief to both body and mind. Besides, exercise can do goods on
dismissing overloaded stress. Strenuous exercise such as running and boxing let us throw bad things away from our mind, while soft exercise like yoga and Taiji  make us clean our mind for optimistic thoughts.

        Thinking positively is also very important on managing pressure. Continuous pessimism led us to dead ends. When we feel depressed, just turn another side of the coin! For example, always think of something we have instead of things we missed. Anyway, after storm, sun always appears with smiles. In addition, change of focus enables us to have second thoughts on things blocked up our paths. Leaving text books and turning on TV or taking a nap for thirty minutes help us restructuring.

        As long as we stand on the earth, we are surrounded by pressure. We need to live with pressure in peace rather than fight against it. Having a healthy life style with appropriate exercise, thinking positively and changing focus sometimes allow us to avoid the last straw. Furthermore, proper pressure can be the motivation to  greatimprovement.



        媒体以加粗的标题,报导了深圳富士康工万接连发生的员工自杀事件。富士康今年发生十二起坠楼事件,震 了国际社会。压力管理再次成为每位雇主心中首要考量。身为学生,压力同样会如影随形。压力这个无形的掠食者会将我们高兴、快乐的情绪、积极的思维全吃乾抹尽,因此如何处理压力十分重要。


        正向思考对压力管理也是不可或缺。不断陷入悲观情绪,会引我们走入死胡同。当我们感到沮丧时,不妨换个角度思考吧!例如∶永远只想著我们拥有的东西,而不执著於那些已错过的事物上。无论如何,风暴过後,太阳总是会带著微笑现身。除此之外,转移注意力能让我们重新思考那些阻断我们去路的事物。 开教科书,看个三十分钟的电视或午睡,都能让我们重新调整自己。
        只要双脚站在这片土地上,我们就被压力包围著。我们要与压力共存,而不是与之抗衡。拥有健康的生活方式,辅以 度的运动、正向思维以及偶尔换个角度思考,都能让我们避开致命的最後一击。再说, 度的压力可也是大幅进步的动力呢!

Kyral Hsiung│ 毕业於广州暨南大学商务英语系,连续四年获得多项中国国家级、校级奖学金。曾任美国广告公司专题撰文作者,现任职於内湖科学园区。


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  • 关键字 : pressure, exercise, 能让, thoughts, things, 连结, 生活方式, 压力, positively, important, healthy, focus, always, Pressure, Kyral, Hsiung, Foxconn, 首先, 风暴过後, 静态运动
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