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英文例句 (2)


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你可以給點建議嗎?Give me a suggestion, will you?...
Do you have any suggestions for me?...
我今天不太舒服I just don't feel very well today....
我被騙了!I have been cheated!...
我懂你的意思I know what you mean....
不賴吧?Pretty impressive, Huh?...
你嚇不了我!You don't scare me!...
這是為了你好It's for your own good....
真刺激啊!That was exciting!...
很高興見到你Nice to meet you....
我很欣賞你I admire you....
這世界還真小Small world....
你會不會太誇張了點?How pompous can you get?...
他需要人家體諒He needs understanding....
這個價錢有含稅嗎?Does the price include tax?...
不好意思打擾您I'm sorry to trouble you...
Sorry to have bothered you....
這裡沒人叫這個名字There's nobody here by that name....
試試看吧!Try it out!...
我試過了!I have tried that!...
你需要新的觀點You need a new outlook....
聖誕節快到了Christmas will be here soon....
那真是幫了我一個大忙That would be a big help....
你可以說話大聲一點嗎?Could you speak up a bit?...
我把這事全忘了I totally forgot about that....
你又來了!不是嗎?You're at it again, aren't you?...
噢!不!別又是你!Oh! No! Not you again!...
我能說什麼?What could I say?...
我害怕一個人在家I'm afraid to stay home alone....
你才剛吃完!You just finished eating!...
我有少作了什麼事嗎?Did i leave something out?...
我猜大概是沒感覺沒了I guess the magic is gone....

  • 英文單字怎麼說怎麼寫,很容易,但組成句子卻常常鬧笑話,教課書裡喜歡用的難字,跟實際用法有著不小的差異。『羊皮紙英文』提供大家一個英文例句的交流學習資料庫,利用關鍵字找出相關的英文例句,幫助大家學習。
  • 知識是依靠著分享在傳播,魚戀一個人的力量是薄弱,如果朋友們大家一起,每個人只花一點點的時間分享,知識就能匯集、傳播下去,為我們的世界多一份文化,多一些色彩。
  • 我們希望查詢的例句都是正確的資訊,不被惡搞的,所以不開放匿名分享,就得麻煩申請成為羊皮紙會員才能分享唷!
  • 不會使用的朋友請看『例句分享教學