中文 | 英文可以這麼說 |
滾開! | Get lost....
閃邊去! | Take a hike!...
你氣死我了! | You piss me off....
這是什麼意思? | What's the meaning of this?...
你敢! | How dare you!...
省省吧! | Cut it out!...
你這蠢豬! | You stupid jerk!...
你的臉皮真厚 | You have a lot of nerve....
我厭倦了 | I'm fed up.... I'm tired....
我受不了了! | I can't take it anymore....
你想怎麼樣? | What do you want?...
你怎麼可以這樣說? | How can you say that?...
別那樣看著我 | Don't look at me like that....
不是我的錯 | It's not my fault....
我沒辦法 | I can't help it....
那是你的問題 | That's your problem....
我不想聽 | I don't want to hear it....
饒了我吧 | Give me a break....
你以為你在跟誰說話? | Who do you think youre talking to?...
看看這爛攤子! | Look at this mess!...
你真粗心 | Youre so careless....
我快要氣炸了 | I'm about to explode!...
真是白痴一個! | What a stupid idiot!...
你會後悔的 | You'll be sorry....
你太過分了! | You're away too far....
別碰我 | Don't touch me!...
你自找的! | You asked for it....
真讓我失望 | I'm very disappointed....
太不公平了! | It's unfair!...
你今天過的如何? | How's your day so far?...