中文 | 英文可以這麼說 |
我對工作煩死了! | I'm fed up with my work!...
你隨時可以打電話給我 | You can call me any time....
我有太多工作要做了 | I've got too much work to do....
不要讓機會從我們身邊溜走 | Don't let chances pass by....
看起來很相像 | Look very much alike....
我只是想確定一下 | I just want to make sure....
我們是在講同一件事 | We’re all on the same page here....
堅持下去! | Keep it up!...
我不太喜歡交際應酬 | I don't like to socialize....
噢!我好怕喲! | Oh! I'm so afraid!...
請注意時速限制 | Please pay attention to the speed limit....
你的努力一定會有收穫的 | Your efforts will pay off....
結果哩?! | What was up with that?!...
我需要你的意見 | I need your opinion....
我強烈推蔗那本小說 | I greatly recommend that novel....
真的很引人入榺. | It's very intriguing....
不會啦! | Not really!...
是有一點啦! | Does so!...
這會不會聽起來有些神經兮兮的? | Does that sound paranoid?...
我確定他在暗中策畫要整我 | I'm convinced he is plotting against me....
我總是在擔心 | I'm always worried....
今天工作順利嗎? | How was work today?...
真窩心! | How sweet!...
就一點點咩! | How about just a little!...
誰為這部電影作曲? | Who composed the music for this film?...
人類的思考能力使人有別於其他動物. | It is our ability to think that set humans apart from other animals....
你說得挺有道理的 | You've got a point there....
15除以3等於5 | 15 divided by3 equals 5....
手藝差的工人總是抱怨工具不好使 | A bad workman quarrels with his tools....
吠犬不咬人 | A barking dog doesn't bite!...