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如果她發現你在她上衣上灑了墨水,她會大發脾氣的If she finds out you spilled ink on her coat, she'll blow her stack....
你怎麼可以這樣說?How can you say that?...
我怎麼能夠爬得上那堵墻?我要是一隻鳥就好了!How can I climb up that wall! I wish I were a bird!...
你的努力一定會有收穫的Your efforts will pay off....
除星期天外,他每天去上班She goes to work every day except Sunday....
該書受版權保護The book is protected by copyright....
我到時隨機應變I'll just play it by ear....
在你借書之前你要先付清罰款Unfortunately you'll have to pay the fine before you check those books out....
今天下午我想去撿貝殼I'd like to pick sea shells this afternoon....
你根本一無用處!You're completely useless!...
我聽說你的舞跳得特棒I am told that you dance wonderfully well....
我們得對鄰居的狗採取點行動了!We've got to do something about the neighbor's dog!...
我除了說“對不起”外,什麼也說不出來I could say nothing but that I was sorry....
先吃點比薩餅怎麼樣?What about having a pizza first?...
我現在撥不出時間I can't spare the time now....
老實說,我20歲To be honest with you, I'm twenty....
這幾個兄弟各有所好The brothers differ from each other in their interests....
只有在字典裡成功才會在努力之前The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary....
我今天不太舒服I just don't feel very well today....
貝蒂和蘇珊正在通電話Betty and Susan are talking on the telephone....
電腦正漸成為我們生活的一部分Computers are becoming a part of our everyday life....
你擔心太多了!You worry too much....
我通常只是用搜索引擎找一些資料I'm usually just using the search engines to look up information....
他過去總是死記硬背He used to learn everything by rote....
聽起來很不錯It sounds great!...
這世界還真小Small world....
這件衣服不適合她,她太瘦了The dress doesn't fit her. She is too thin....
在這個廣大的世界裡, 能夠遇見彼此並不容易It is not easy to meet each other in such a big world....
他給自己投了鉅額的人身保險He is heavily insured against death....
他有時候真的很暴躁He can be really short-tempered sometimes....

  • 英文單字怎麼說怎麼寫,很容易,但組成句子卻常常鬧笑話,教課書裡喜歡用的難字,跟實際用法有著不小的差異。『羊皮紙英文』提供大家一個英文例句的交流學習資料庫,利用關鍵字找出相關的英文例句,幫助大家學習。
  • 知識是依靠著分享在傳播,魚戀一個人的力量是薄弱,如果朋友們大家一起,每個人只花一點點的時間分享,知識就能匯集、傳播下去,為我們的世界多一份文化,多一些色彩。
  • 我們希望查詢的例句都是正確的資訊,不被惡搞的,所以不開放匿名分享,就得麻煩申請成為羊皮紙會員才能分享唷!
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