中文 | 英文可以這麼說 |
每天都去餐館吃飯,我真是支付不起 | I can't afford to go to a restaurant every day....
堅持下去! | Keep it up!...
你家好漂亮 | You have a really nice house....
從我面前消失! | Get out of my face....
感謝你的參與 | Thanks for your participation.... Thank you for your participation....
他欠我叔叔100美元 | He owes my uncle $100....
是哪一位? | Who's calling?...
他們計劃明年移居芬蘭 | They plan to immigrate to Finland next year....
她在這次意外中受到重傷 | She was injured badly in the accident....
我把你算作我的一個朋友 | I count you as one of my friends....
中秋節快樂! | Happy Moon Festival!...
只是為了消遣一下 | Just for entertainment....
我欠你晚餐的錢 | I owe you for my dinner....
他們把它錯放到另一個類別去了 | They misplaced this book under other categories....
你不可好高騖遠 | You mustn't aim too high....
瓦特發明了蒸汽機 | Walt invented the steam engine....
我無論什麼時候一看到甜食就忍不住要吃 | I can't help eating sweets whenever they are in my presence....
她變得越來越漂亮了 | She became more and more beautiful....
上下樓梯可比什麼健身器都要好 | Walking up and down the stairs would beat any exercise machine....
我能說什麼? | What could I say?...
你欠我一個人情 | You owe me one....
他們堅持留下來,而不願意走 | They insisted on staying rather than going....
我有事走不開 | I got held up....
不要為此灰心喪氣 | Don't let this get you down....
許多人抱怨說電腦正在接管人的工作 | Many people complain that computers are taking over their jobs....
我玩得很開心 | I really enjoyed myself....
只要不是幹活,他幹什麼都行 | He will do anything but work....
我懷疑那故事是不是真的 | I doubted whether the story is true....
當心 | Watch out!...
停頓一下之後他繼續說他的 | After a pause he continued his story....