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      cut out 戒掉壞習慣

      cut sb down to size 揭穿某人的底細

      cut sb off 把電話掛斷.

      cut sth out 阻止;停止;故障;佔上風

      cut throat 害人的

      cut-and-dried 事先準備好的;枯燥無味的

      dark horse 黑馬;冷門

      darn it 真討厭

      dating yourself before your time 老氣橫秋

      day in and day out 夜以繼日

      day off 放假日

      day-dream 白日夢

      daylight robbery 價錢貴到離譜

      days are numbered 生存時日屈指可數

      dead beat(tired) 爛醉如泥

      dead dog 沒用的人

      dead easy 易如反掌

      dead serious 認真得不得了

      dead sure(certain) 極之肯定

      dead to the world 睡得很香

      dear Jone letter 絕交信

      deep southern drawl 拉長語調的南方口音

      definte word 確定的消息

      deliver the goods 完成工作

      Did you fall heir to a gold mine? 你是否遇見了金礦的小老闆?

      die with one's boots on 死在工作崗位上

      die-hard 冥頑不靈

      dilly-dally 吊兒浪當

      dine out 出外吃飯

      dirty dog 卑鄙小人

      discuss sth over a coke 邊喝可樂邊談某事

      dish water 毫無味道

      distance makes the heart grow fonder 時間會使感情加深

      do a little sightseeing 逛逛

      do all the talking 會議上只有一個人講話

      do my own laundry 自己(用洗衣機)洗衣服

      do one good 對某人有好處

      do over 重做;粉刷

      do sth about it 想想辦法

      Do you get me? 明白嗎?

      doesn't count 不算

      doesn't make sense 不合邏輯

      dog's life 悲慘的生活

      Don't be silly! 別傻啦!

      Don't be such a baby! 不要那樣孩子氣

      Don't mention it. 別客氣,不算什麼.

      Don't tease me. 別開玩笑了.

      Don't think I'll have much use for that. 這對我沒有多大用處.

      Don't you feel guilty? 你不覺得罪過嗎?

      Don't you know that yet? 你還不知道嗎?

      done time 老資格(貶義)

      double crosser 出賣朋友的人

      down in the dumps 愁眉苦臉

      down in the mouth 愁眉苦臉

      down on one's luck 倒楣

      down payment 分期付款的定金

      Down the hatch! 乾杯!

      drag sb through the mud 拖人下水

      draw on 依照;依據

      draw up 草擬;準備

      drooling around her all the time 一直對她垂涎三尺

      drop by 順道拜訪

      drop dead 去你的

      drop in on sb 拜訪某人

      drop it 停止吧

      drop it off 把它放到...

      drop me a line 寫信給我

      drop out 退學

      drop sb a line 給某人寫信

      drop sb off 讓某人下車

      drop the ball 犯錯誤

      duck soup 易如反掌之事

      dull book 沈悶的書

      dumb bell 笨蛋

      dumb Dora 傻女

      Dump her! 甩掉她!

      dwell on 考慮;不斷地說

      early bird 集會早到的人

      easier said than done 說來容易做時難

      easy come easy go 來得容易去得快(特指錢)

      Easy does it -- when you can. 慢慢來,盡力而為.

      eat one's hat 趕打賭,非常確定

      eat one's head off 食量驚人

      eat one's heart out 傷心異常,因此消瘦

      eat one's words 承認錯誤

      eat out 出外吃飯

      egg money 私房錢

      egghead 書呆子

      either make or break 不成功,便成人

      eleventh hour 最後關頭

      end up 結束

      enough of it 夠了,停止吧

      enough to wake the dead 震耳欲聾

      Every cloud has a silver lining. 黑雲過後,陽光燦爛

      every dog has his day 瓦片也有翻身時

      every now and then 不時地;有時

      every once in a while 偶爾

      every so often 偶然

      every Tom, Dick and Harry 張三李四

      everyone is for himself 自己顧自己

      everything goes to the dogs 一切都完了

      face the music 接收懲罰;面對困難

      faculty and staff 教職員

      faculty members 教職員

      fair and square 忠誠與坦白

      fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友

      fall behind 落後;失利

      fall for look 女人愛漂亮

      fall out with 爭吵

      fall through 失敗;毀滅

      family man 有家室之人

      far from, be 遠不是

      fast one 一搭就上的(男人或女人)

      Fat chance! 不太可能的事!

      fat hangovers 好厲害的醉後頭疼

      fat-head 人頭豬腦

      favorite son 被自己一州擁護的候選人

      fed sb a big line 對某人說了個大謊.

      fed up (with) 對某事厭倦

      fed up with, be 感到厭倦

      feel free 隨便...

      feel like 很想要

      feel up to 能勝任

      feeling in the pink 覺得愉快

      feminine type 女人氣質的

      few and far between 難能可貴

      fifty-fifty 五五支付

      fight it out 據理力爭;武力解決

      figure out 考慮出;想出

      fill in for 代替

      fill out 填表

      find a sugar daddy 找到一個有錢的老頭子

      find a way out 找出一條出路

      fire sale 減價出售

      first in line 隊伍中排第一名

      fish in troubled waters 混水摸魚;趁火打劫

      fish story 荒唐無比的故事

      fix up 修理

      flat tire 沒精打采

      flicker out 過去了

      fly by 飛逝

      fly off the handle 平時有教養的人突然失去常態

      fold up 破產

      following sb's footsteps 傚法;繼承

      fool around with 與不三不四的人鬼混

      fooling around 閒逛

      for all I know 據我所知

      for good 永遠地

      for good and all 永遠

      for nothing 免費

      for one thing (插入語)但是

      for sale 出售

      for the love of Mike 夢想不到

      for the time being 暫時;目前

      forget it 沒關係

      Forget it. 算了.

      four-letter words 罵人語;四字真言

      frame up 栽贓陷害

      free hand 全權處理

      frightened to death 嚇死了

      from A to Z 從頭到尾

      from scratch 從頭開始

      from the look of sb 從某人的外表看來

      full charge of 全權負責

      full of bull 胡言亂語

      full to the brim (吃得)滿到喉頭

      fuss over 焦慮

      gain weight 長胖了

      get a big kick 玩得很開心

      get a check cashed 支票兌現

      get a move on! 快點!

      get a nerve 膽子大

      get across 說明;達成;克服

      get all in a panic 驚恐

      get all up tight 緊張到極點

      get along with 相處融洽

      get around 有辦法應付局面

      get away with 成功;逃避懲罰

      get behind 支援

      get cold feet 沮喪;臨陣退縮

      get cracking 快點!

      get down to 開始處理

      get down to business 辦正經事

      get even 報復

      get going 開始;動手;趕快

      get hooked on sth 被某事迷住了

      get in touch with 和...聯絡

      get it over with 趕快把事情做妥當

      get lost 迷失

      get mad at 對某人生氣

      get me down 令我生氣

      get nothing on me 尚未找到證據

      get nowhere 一事無成

      get off on the wrong foot 開始就亂了步驟

      get off the ground 進行順利;剛開始

      • 本文為轉載文章
      • 關鍵字 : every, around, 停止, 某人, 易如反掌, 教職員, 愁眉苦臉, 快點, 出外吃飯, 不算, words, through, nothing, letter, heart, fifty, faculty, enough, doesn, behind
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