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英文例句 (32)


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(傷口)疼They hurt....
他們堅持留下來,而不願意走They insisted on staying rather than going....
他們把它錯放到另一個類別去了They misplaced this book under other categories....
他們計劃明年移居芬蘭They plan to immigrate to Finland next year....
他們在這一事件中扮演了可恥的角色They played a shameful part in the whole affair....
他們大大地表揚了他They praised him highly....
他們各自騎著自己的自行車They rode their respective bikes....
他們敬畏地看著那頭巨虎They stared at the huge tiger with awe....
當老闆進來的時候;他們停止了交談They stopped talking when their boss came in....
他們為考試結束了而高興They were glad of the examination being over....
他們將於半小時之內到達They will arrive in half an hour....
他們穿著紅白相間的衣服They're in red and white....
情況正在好轉Things are getting better....
三思而後行Think carefully before you act....
這個男孩沒有工作This boy has no job....
這車性能很好This car is in good condition....
這間地下室在雨季非常潮濕This cellar room is very damp in the rainy season....
這家公司是我們的老客戶This company is our regular customer....
這所房子是我自己的This house is my own....
這是他詩作的一個好例子This is a good example of his poetry....
這是我給你們的一點心意This is a little something for you....
這是因為我們能感到疼痛This is because we feel pain....
這是目前世界上最大的蛋糕了This is by far the largest cake in the world....
這才是上半場呢This is only the first half....
今天是我一生中最美好的一天,因為我現在和你在一起This is the most wonderful day of my life, because I'm here with you now....
這個玩笑開得有點-過分了This joke has gone a little too far....
這鋼筆不好寫This pen doesn't write well....
這個問題對我說來太複雜了This question is too complicated for me....
這樣他就能兩全其美This way, he can kill two birds with one stone....
這邊請This way....

  • 英文單字怎麼說怎麼寫,很容易,但組成句子卻常常鬧笑話,教課書裡喜歡用的難字,跟實際用法有著不小的差異。『羊皮紙英文』提供大家一個英文例句的交流學習資料庫,利用關鍵字找出相關的英文例句,幫助大家學習。
  • 知識是依靠著分享在傳播,魚戀一個人的力量是薄弱,如果朋友們大家一起,每個人只花一點點的時間分享,知識就能匯集、傳播下去,為我們的世界多一份文化,多一些色彩。
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