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英文例句 (36)


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這幢房子是什麼時候建造的?When was the house built?...
我們可以在哪提出保險賠償?Where can we make the insurance claim?...
你想在哪兒見面?Where do you want to meet?...
你要選哪個?Which would you prefer?...
不論你選擇哪一個,你都不會滿意Whichever you choose, you won't be satisfied....
除了傑克誰會做這種事呢?Who but Jack would do such a thing?...
誰告訴你的?Who told you that?...
來的人我們都歡迎Whoever comes will be welcomed....
是哪一位?Who's calling?...
現在是誰在開球?Who's kicking off?...
為什麼呆在家裏?Why did you stay at home?...
為什麼不讓我去接你呢?Why don't I pick you up at your house?...
你為什麼不去參加一個有氧健身班呢?Why don't you attend an aerobic class?...
你為何不找個職業.不再依靠你的父母呢?Why don't you find a job and end this dependence upon your parents?...
李太太的貓為何不在抓這些老鼠呢?Why isn't Mrs. Lee's cat catching the mice?...
好呀!為什麼不呢?Why not?...
你明晚有空嗎?Will you be free tomorrow evening?...
星期天來和我們共進晚餐好嗎?Will you come and join us for dinner on Sunday?...
你把這根電線和電視機連上好嗎?Will you connect this wire to the television?...
你能到我的住處來接我嗎?Will you pick me up at my place?...
能不能請你幫我查查火車什麼時候到?Will you please try to find out for me what time the train arrives?...
冬天是一個,寒冷的季節Winter is a cold season....
由於有那麼多人要供養,他不知道怎麼辦才好With all these mouths to feed, he didn't know what to do....
無法用語言形容我當時的感受Words can't express what I felt then....
你想喝杯茶嗎?Would you like a cup of tea?...
今天真漂亮!Would you like some help?...
你想不想和我一起去參加一個聚會?Would you like to go to a party with me?...
你要留話嗎?Would you like to leave a message?...
請你跟我一起去參加一個舞會好嗎?Would you please go to a dancing party with me?...
是的,我也這麼認為Yes, I suppose So....

  • 英文單字怎麼說怎麼寫,很容易,但組成句子卻常常鬧笑話,教課書裡喜歡用的難字,跟實際用法有著不小的差異。『羊皮紙英文』提供大家一個英文例句的交流學習資料庫,利用關鍵字找出相關的英文例句,幫助大家學習。
  • 知識是依靠著分享在傳播,魚戀一個人的力量是薄弱,如果朋友們大家一起,每個人只花一點點的時間分享,知識就能匯集、傳播下去,為我們的世界多一份文化,多一些色彩。
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