中文 | 英文可以这麽说 |
你可以給點建議嗎? | Give me a suggestion, will you?... Do you have any suggestions for me?...
我今天不太舒服 | I just don't feel very well today....
我被騙了! | I have been cheated!...
我懂你的意思 | I know what you mean....
不賴吧? | Pretty impressive, Huh?...
你嚇不了我! | You don't scare me!...
這是為了你好 | It's for your own good....
真刺激啊! | That was exciting!...
很高興見到你 | Nice to meet you....
我很欣賞你 | I admire you....
這世界還真小 | Small world....
你會不會太誇張了點? | How pompous can you get?...
他需要人家體諒 | He needs understanding....
這個價錢有含稅嗎? | Does the price include tax?...
不好意思打擾您 | I'm sorry to trouble you... Sorry to have bothered you....
這裡沒人叫這個名字 | There's nobody here by that name....
試試看吧! | Try it out!...
我試過了! | I have tried that!...
你需要新的觀點 | You need a new outlook....
聖誕節快到了 | Christmas will be here soon....
那真是幫了我一個大忙 | That would be a big help....
你可以說話大聲一點嗎? | Could you speak up a bit?...
我把這事全忘了 | I totally forgot about that....
你又來了!不是嗎? | You're at it again, aren't you?...
噢!不!別又是你! | Oh! No! Not you again!...
我能說什麼? | What could I say?...
我害怕一個人在家 | I'm afraid to stay home alone....
你才剛吃完! | You just finished eating!...
我有少作了什麼事嗎? | Did i leave something out?...
我猜大概是沒感覺沒了 | I guess the magic is gone....