中文 | 英文可以这麽说 |
他看來很健康 | He looks very healthy....
要是我能飛就好了 | If only I could fly....
我不想聽 | I don't want to hear it....
你與其把錢花在賭博上,不如把它丟掉的好 | You might as well throw your money away as spend it in gambling....
我六點鐘出門,以便趕上火車 | I left at 6:00 so that I could catch the train....
他雙臂交叉於胸前坐著 | He sat with his arms across the chest....
我們都渴望得到幸福 | We all desire happiness....
This product is launched already. | 這個產品已經發表...
誰也不知道藏寶地點在哪 | No one knows the location of the hidden treasure....
我把你算作我的一個朋友 | I count you as one of my friends....
他身體己發育成熟 | He is physically mature....
既然來了,我想吃這個國家特有的食物 | Since I'm here, I'd like to try a typical dish of this country....
我不想再見到你! | I don't want to see your face!...
在這個廣大的世界裡, 能夠遇見彼此並不容易 | It is not easy to meet each other in such a big world....
這件工作本身很容易 | This work itself is very easy....
讓我告訴你一些通關的細節 | Let me tell you some details about clearance....
那事使我頗感驚訝 | It rather surprised me....
我打算今天晚上到那兒去 | I expect to be there this evening....
太好了! | That's great!...
這是一場友誼賽 | It's a friendly competition....
這條路在這裡分岔 | The road divides here....
你最好多喝水多休息 | There's nothing better for you than plenty of water and sleep....
少來這套! | Don't give me that!...
我有權知道 | I have the right to know....
我沒有頭緒 | I have no idea....
這點子糟透了 | That's a terrific idea!...
我有太多工作要做了 | I've got too much work to do....
他正扮演一個老人 | He is acting an old man....
那麼我只拿我所需要的東西 | So I just take what I want....
咱們出去走走,好嗎? | Let's go for a walk, shall we?...