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既然來了,我想吃這個國家特有的食物Since I'm here, I'd like to try a typical dish of this country....
這些提案已經擱在一旁六個月了These proposals have been on the shelf from six months to a year....
我越努力,我的英語就會越好The harder I study, the better my English will be....
你能夠像罐頭工人一樣裝罐頭嗎?Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?...
無論你有多努力,老闆總不會完全滿意How ever you may work hard, the boss will not be fully satisfied....
你做得對You did right....
突然的狗叫聲嚇壞了克拉拉The sudden barking frightened Clara....
總之,我對一切都很厭倦In a word, I am tired of everything....
然而所有這些東西,看上去雖不同,但卻有一個共同點Yet all these things, different as they seem, have one thing in common....
你吃午飯了嗎?Did you have lunch yet?...
醫生要我注意飲食The doctor asked me to watch what I eat....
我得試試這麼做I'll have to try that....
我會小心一些的,I will be more careful....
游泳池裏擠滿了人There are a lot of people in the swimming pool....
請不要拘禮Make yourself at home....
我不瞭解你的意思I lost you....
別這麼孩子氣Don't be so childish....
這鬼天氣!What horrible weather!...
先吃點比薩餅怎麼樣?What about having a pizza first?...
聽起來很不錯It sounds great!...
你與其把錢花在賭博上,不如把它丟掉的好You might as well throw your money away as spend it in gambling....
我對公司中這種放鬆的氛圍感到很熟悉I am familiar with the casual atmosphere in the company....
我不僅認識她,還是她最好的朋友Not only did I know her, but I was her best friend....
他做事都漫無目標He does everything without aim....
他已嘗遍了人生的甜酸苦辣He has tasted the sweets and bitters of life....
有什麼新鮮事嗎?What's new?...
我不幹了!I quit!...
我為你著迷All over you....
I'm all over you....
直到上周我才拿到工作許可證Not until last week did I get a work permit....
他很容易動怒!He has a really short fuse!...

  • 英文单字怎麽说怎麽写,很容易,但组成句子却常常闹笑话,教课书里喜欢用的难字,跟实际用法有著不小的差异。『羊皮纸英文』提供大家一个英文例句的交流学习资料库,利用关键字找出相关的英文例句,帮助大家学习。
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