中文 | 英文可以这麽说 |
我有兩隻貓,一隻是白貓,另一隻是黑貓 | I have two cats. One is white, the other is black....
這會不會聽起來有些神經兮兮的? | Does that sound paranoid?...
請送我去機場 | Take me to the airport, please....
她是一個漂亮女孩 | She is a good-looking girl....
你瘋了嗎? | Are you insane of your mind?... Are you crazy of your mind?... Are you out of your mind?...
他們穿著紅白相間的衣服 | They're in red and white....
我沒辦法 | I can't help it....
真的很引人入榺. | It's very intriguing....
這是對的還是錯的? | Is it true or false?...
好天氣,是嗎? | A lovely day, isn't it?...
我在節食 | I'm on a diet....
不要為此灰心喪氣 | Don't let this get you down....
不論我說什麼他都不同意 | What ever I said, he'd disagree....
醫生要我注意飲食 | The doctor asked me to watch what I eat....
是哪一位? | Who's calling?...
你吃午飯了嗎? | Did you have lunch yet?...
金窩,銀窩,不如自己的草窩 | East, west, home is best....
好的。我馬上就處理。 | OK. I'll take care of it right away....
你加班我付你雙倍工錢 | I' ll give you double pay for working overtime....
這個產品已經上市了 | This product is on the market....
兩個人都沒說過話 | Neither of the men spoke....
上帝幫助那些自己幫自己的人 | God helps those who help themselves....
祝好運! | Good luck!...
吠犬不咬人 | A barking dog doesn't bite!...
我不想再見到你! | I don't want to see your face!...
媽媽不化粧 | Mother doesn't make up....
我剛收到我妹妹瑪麗的一封信 | I have just heard from my sister, Mary....
我得試試這麼做 | I'll have to try that....
你什麼時候下班 | When do you come off duty?...
我鍾愛這項運動 | I love this game....