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英文例句 (28)


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保重!Take care!...
別擔心,你兩天之內就會痊癒的Take it easy, you will be all right in a couple of days....
別緊張Take it easy....
請送我去機場Take me to the airport, please....
和你談話很愉快Talking with you is a pleasure....
謝謝你的建議Thank you for your advice....
多謝你的誇獎Thanks for your flattering me....
這是我關於友誼的看法That is my idea about friendship....
沒什麼區別That makes no difference....
這個主意真不錯That's a good idea....
真是好主意!That's a terrific idea!...
我就要這些That's all I need....
就這樣!That's all!...
習以為常了That's always the case....
這很好That's neat....
這是最流行的款式That's the latest fashion....
白忙了The answer is zero....
球拍和球全被偷了The bat together with the balls was stolen....
甲殼蟲樂隊代表了他們時代的部分精神The Beatles represented part of the spirit of their age....
最著名的電影獎是奧斯卡金像獎The best-known movie awards are the Academy Awards....
該書受版權保護The book is protected by copyright....
你要的那本書已經售完了The book you ask for is sold out....
那男孩緊張得說不出話來The boy was too nervous to speak....
大腦需要連續不斷地供血The brain needs a continuous supply of blood....
這幾個兄弟各有所好The brothers differ from each other in their interests....
小孩傷心地抽泣著The child sobbed sadly....
她衣服的顏色很適合她The color of her dress suits her very well....
憲法保護人民的自由The constitution guards the liberty of the people....
她廚房的櫥櫃中放滿了她不需要的東西The cupboards in her kitchen were full of things she did not need....
損害是由外力引起的The damage was caused by external forces....

  • 英文單字怎麼說怎麼寫,很容易,但組成句子卻常常鬧笑話,教課書裡喜歡用的難字,跟實際用法有著不小的差異。『羊皮紙英文』提供大家一個英文例句的交流學習資料庫,利用關鍵字找出相關的英文例句,幫助大家學習。
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